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2023 Valedictorian Karys Walls

Valedictorian: Karys Walls

Parents: Roger and Amanda Walls

As a student at HCA for 13 years, we have seen God at work in her life as she developed the giftings He gave her. While excelling in the classroom, Karys has also blessed the HCA community in athletics and fine arts. Karys acknowledges that she has had many incredible teachers and coaches along the way. Mrs. Kate Oxley taught her how to recognize the gifts and talents the Lord has given her and then learn the best ways to grow them. Karys states that Mrs. Oxley is an incredible example of how a woman of God should live and how to live it confidently. Mrs. Amanda Walls, Karys’ mother, and Gifted and Talented teacher has been an anchor for her since she started teaching Karys in the second grade. Karys has felt encouraged to let her creative side grow and let it become something better than she could have imagined. She appreciates how Mrs. Walls has intentionally taught her to be the light in her everyday life. Karys’ life verse is James 1:2-3, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

Academic Honors:

Distinguished Honors Diploma with 4.0 GPA

Multiple Class Academic Awards

Academic Excellence Award (9th - 11th)

Honors Academic Team-Destination Imagination: 1st at state (9th); Spirit of DI Award, 1st at state, 1st at state in Improv (10th); DaVinci Award, 6th and 2nd place at Globals, 2nd at state in TX Extreme (11th); 1st at regionals and state qualifier (12th)

National Honor Society President

ACSI Distinguished Christian Student Award

TAPPS Speech: Third Place State Prose Competition (10th)

ACSI Speech: Superior Ranking in Devotional Homiletics (10th)


International Thespian Society Secretary (10 – 12th)

Volleyball (9th – 12th); Area Champions (11th); Co-Captain (12th)

TAPPS Volleyball All District 1st Team (12th)

Worship Team (9th -12th)

Newspaper Editor (11th – 12th)

Track (9th - 10th)

Shield Leader – Shield of Integrity

Theater (9th-12th)

Favorite Memory: Karys’ favorite memory was her junior and senior retreat last year. She enjoyed disconnecting from the internet and other distractions while taking the time to connect to the Lord and to each other. She also vividly remembers winning the HCA volleyball area game which was a first in HCA history.

Karys plans to attend Dallas Baptist University and major in communications. She hopes to become an event planner or a communications coordinator.



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